Holiday Ops Stream: I AM THE LUCKIEST ONE

We've got our winners! Congratulations! Don't miss the Bonus Code streams to get your festive rewards! Follow these Community Contributors on Twitch to get notifications for their giveaway streams!

Language Name Channel
English bossdog_aus  Twitch
Mandarin EatingMosquito  Twitch
Korean ratten_slaughterer  CHZZK
Thai teysanook  Twitch
Japanese purple67k  Twitch


We've got some festive boxes! Join our Community Contributors for some fun unboxing time! Perhaps your presence in their streams will give them the luck they need to earn a special bonus code for viewers.

Join our Community Contributors streams on December 6–12 and wish them the best of luck. Because the Community Contributor winner will receive 20 bonus codes to share with viewers!

Don't miss the WG Official streams on December 9, 13, and 20, and get rewarded! Watch for 90 minutes to get Mystery Drops—1 Day of WoT Premium Account, or a Large New Year Box.

Stay tuned to streams!

Stream Activity: I Am the Luckiest One

Available from 2024-12-06 through 2024-12-12

May the luckiest win! Each streamer begins with 50 Large Boxes. Obtaining a vehicle scores them points based on the vehicle's tier. For example, a Tier VIII reward vehicle gives them 8 points.

The streamer with the most points at the end of this streaming period on December 12 will win the Large Boxes bonus code for their viewers.

Find out who's THE LUCKIEST ONE on Community Contributor streams and Discord on December 16!


  • The winning CC will receive 20 bonus codes to share with viewers. Each bonus code consists of 1 Large Box.
20 Large Boxes

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